Welcome to Kohab

Welcome to the Kohab blog, where we will highlight issues that impact your homeowners association (HOA)  and open conversations that enable us to create happier and healthier neighborhoods to live in. The blog will feature several topics, such as HOA rights, anti-discrimination policies , board development, and general HOA best practices. 

Kohab provides a simple, digital solution that connects you to your HOA.  It is designed to transform the way you manage your property and interact within your communities.  

At Kohab, our motto is “technology  with a heart.”  

We believe in simplifying HOA processes and by providing transparency and accessibility to all, we can reestablish the importance of neighborhoods and community, in our modern era.  We believe ALL members of an HOA are entitled to transparency and real-time information.  We believe these are the pillars of effective, thriving, and happy communities.  We believe that together, we can make great things happen.

We believe in reviving the significance of neighborhoods and communities in the modern era by streamlining HOA processes and ensuring transparency is accessible to all.  We believe every member of an HOA should have access to real-time information and believe transparency is an essential element for any community to flourish.  We believe these fundamental principles lay the foundation for creating successful, thriving, and happy communities.  We believe together, we can collectively make great things happen in your homeowners association.    

Welcome to Kohab- technology with a heart, here to transform your HOA. 

Kohab Team