People Matter, Neighborhoods Matter

Meet Dwight, the HOA Secretary.  Dwight is the glue that holds HOA boards together, his role as secretary makes him  responsible for all correspondence within an HOA.  He  maintains the association’s meeting minutes and official records, reviews and updates documents as required, and ensures all documentation is stored safely and easily accessible to association members. The duty of the secretary is to ensure association members and/or their authorized representatives receive official records, agendas, and meeting minutes in a prompt and timely manner.  This involves providing adequate notice of meetings and distributing relevant documentation. In addition, as the custodian of the association’s official records and documents, the secretary makes certain the association meets all legal documentation requirements, including  annual filing deadlines.  Dwight loves how seamlessly he can communicate on Kohab’s platform, delivering consistent messages and prioritization of issues throughout his HOA community.  More importantly, Dwight values how transparent Kohab requires communications to be to all members. 

To better understand how HOA laws provide protections to homeowners, check out the following link.

Because your community matters to us.

-Team Kohab

Admin Kohab